
Recruitment Selection and Appointment Policy


1. Policy statement

The Department of Education (the Department) recruits, selects and appoints staff based on the principles of merit, equity and transparency.

2. Policy rules

Public sector recruitment processes and employment decisions are conducted in accordance with the Public Sector Commissioner’s Instructions: Employment Standard and Filling a Public Sector Vacancy.

Department employees who recruit, select and appoint staff must comply with the Department’s relevant recruitment, selection and appointment procedures, and staffing processes.

Confidentiality must be maintained throughout the process.

3. Responsibility for implementation and compliance

Employees who have delegated authority to recruit, select and appoint staff are responsible for the implementation of the policy. 

Line managers are responsible for compliance monitoring.

4. Scope

This policy applies to Department employees who recruit, select and appoint staff.

6. Definitions

A decision to recruit, select, appoint, transfer, second or act an employee.

Employment decisions are impartial and free from bias, nepotism and patronage.

A proper assessment, taking into account:

  • the extent to which the person has the skills, knowledge and abilities relevant to the work-related requirements and outcomes sought by the public sector body; and
  • if relevant, the way in which the person carried out any previous employment or occupational duties.

Employment decisions that include:

  • an appointment to fill a vacancy of more than six months;
  • appointment to fill a vacancy of six months or less if the vacancy was advertised on the basis that the period of the appointment could later be extended to more than six months or made permanent; and
  • for selection to form part of an appointment pool.

Notifiable employment decisions do not include:

  • transfers; or
  • acting appointments unless the vacancy was advertised on the basis that the person appointed could later become permanent.

Employment on a provisional basis to ascertain suitability for the job.

Process used to attract, assess and select applicants to fill a vacancy.

Decisions are transparent and capable of review.

A vacant post, office or position within the Public Sector. 

The extent to which the demographic profile of an organisation matches the demographic profile of the community it serves; for example, the gender and cultural background of its employees.

7. Related documents

8. Contact information

Policy manager:

Director, Workforce Policy and Coordination

Policy contact officer:

Manager, Staff Recruitment and Employment Services

T: (08) 9264 5206

9. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Policy version no.
30 September 2014 1.0
This new policy replaces the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of Teaching Staff; Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of School Administrators; and Recruitment, Selection and Appointment for Public Service Officers, Other Officers and Wages Staff policies. Endorsed by Director General on 21 August 2014.
30 September 2014 27 October 2014 1.1
Minor corrections. D14/0482632.
30 September 2014 13 November 2015 1.2
Corrected link. D15/0491036
30 September 2014 31 July 2018 1.3
Updated legislation links D18/0207680.
9 February 2019 2.0
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy has undergone a major review. Endorsed by Director General at Corporate Executive on 28 November 2018
12 February 2019 24 February 2021 2.1
Minor changes and broken links. D21/0099208