Working with Children Check

Working with Children Check

The Working with Children (WWC) Check is a compulsory criminal check for many people who work with children in Western Australia. The WWC Check is often required in addition to the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check.

Working with Children (WWC) Check applications are received and assessed by the Department of Communities Working with Children Screening Unit. They consider a person’s criminal record to check if they have any previous charges or convictions that indicate they may be a risk of harm to a child. 

The WWC Check is transferable across all work, whether paid or unpaid. So, if you already have a WWC Check through volunteer work, you will not have to reapply for a new check when you start working for us (until your current WWC card expires).

The WWC Check is usually valid for 3 years. It is a live check, so it can be cancelled if you have a relevant change in your criminal history before the card expires.

All prospective employees over 18 years of age must have a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and be issued with a Screening Clearance Number (SCN), before starting employment with us at a school or other worksite. Many roles also require a WWC Check.

When a WWC check is needed

Many people working or volunteering with the Department of Education will need a WWC Check.

The following information will help you understand who needs a WWC Check and how to apply.

Needs a WWC Check Does not need a WWC Check

All school-based staff including:

  • cleaners
  • gardeners
  • school support staff

Staff who never have contact with children as part of their job, for example, payroll or finance officers based in our East Perth office

Staff who need to have contact with children to do their job, for example:

  • VET officers
  • attendance officers
  • school psychologists
  • investigators
  • visiting teachers

Staff who visit schools but who do not have contact with children, for example, staff from central services presenting a workshop to teachers at a school


Needs a WWC Check Does not need a WWC Check

Parents volunteering on overnight camps

Parents volunteering at a school where their child is enrolled – refer to 'Exempt volunteer requirements'
Parents participating in student billeting programs  


Needs a WWC Check Does not need a WWC Check

People volunteering on overnight camps

Visitors to schools that are not working, for example:

  • people picking up children after school
  • people watching assemblies or sports carnivals

Volunteers participating in billeting programs

Volunteers under the age of 18 years – refer to 'Exempt volunteer requirements'

Volunteers whose duties of work involve, or are likely to involve, contact with a child

Students on unpaid placement who are under the age of 18 years – refer to 'Exempt volunteer requirements'

Grandparents volunteering in schools – unless they, at law, have responsibility for either:

  • the long-term care, welfare and development of the child
  • the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the child
Short-term visitors to Western Australia (WA) – only for 2 weeks after their arrival in WA, and for no more than 2 weeks in a 12-month period
International visitors who want to volunteer at a school to work with children

Visitors participating in activities on school sites, for example:

  • grandparent morning tea
  • local aged care residents
  • school open days


Needs a WWC Check Does not need a WWC Check

External providers providing a service to children on school premises, for example:

  • a specialist sports coach
  • a dance group
  • a science presenter

Employees at excursion venues who are not working specifically with children, for example:

  • a cafe attendant
  • a gift shop attendant
Contractors attending a particular school regularly who become known to the children and are considered to be part of the fabric of school

Contractors working on school sites but do not require contact with children to do their job, for example:

  • plumbers
  • electricians
  Employers of children and people who work alongside children as fellow employees, unless otherwise doing child-related work

If you are not sure if you require a Working with Children Check, you can email our Working with Children consultant at

Parent and child volunteers

If you are a parent or child volunteer and you have a current Negative Notice or Interim Negative notice, you can't access the WWC Check parent volunteer exemption or child volunteer exemption.

To confirm your eligibility to access the exemption, you must complete a Parent and child volunteer declaration form.

Parent and child volunteer roles that are not exempt from a WWC Check

When your volunteer role is not exempt from requiring a WWC Check, for example, when you are billeting students or volunteering on an overnight camp, you will be asked to:

  1. Complete a Parent and child volunteer declaration form.
  2. Register your WWC Check details on the form. 

This requirement meets the WWC legislation and helps ensure that public schools are safe places for children.

The school will ask you to complete the form before you start any volunteering activities. To understand when you need to complete the form, read the:

If you are applying for casual or relief school staff roles, you can get your application signed by:

  • the principal or their nominee at your nearest local school
  • a representative from the Recruitment branch in our East Perth office.  

We have advised principals (and their nominees) that they can sign Working with Children (WWC) Check application forms when approached by prospective casual and relief school staff. When principals (or their nominees) sign the form, they are not endorsing your character or offering you employment. They are confirming that you are intending to engage in child-related work. This will allow you to lodge your form at Australia Post.

Make a hard copy application the first time you apply for a WWC Check, or if you are renewing an expired card. You can get a WWC Check hardcopy application form from authorised Australia Post outlets

Complete the application form
  1. Complete the Working with Children Check application form.
  2. Get it signed by a Department representative
    • depending on your role, this will be the principal of a school or the manager of a worksite where you will be working or volunteering.

Contact the assistant senior screening officer in the WWC Screening Unit to discuss how you can apply if you live remotely and don't have access to an authorised Australia Post outlet. Find the contact details for the WWC Screening Unit.

Lodge your application

Lodge the form at an authorised Australia Post outlet:

  • provide 100 points of identification
  • pay the application fee.

Contact the assistant senior screening officer in the WWC Screening Unit to discuss how you can apply if you don’t have sufficient identification. Find the contact details for the WWC Screening Unit.

Receive the outcome of your application

Australia Post will give you a receipt when you lodge your application. This receipt is proof of your application and allows you to start working with children while your application is processed. 

The WWC Screening Unit will assess your application. They review your criminal history and decide if they will issue you with a WWC card.

They will mail you a letter with the outcome of their assessment – either a WWC card or a Negative Notice.

Renew your WWC card

Before your WWC card expires, renew it through WWC Check online services.

If your WWC card has expired, you will need to complete a new hard copy application.