AEDC resources for leaders and educators

AEDC resources for leaders and educators

Western Australian-led AEDC Engagement Kit - resources for schools and early childhood education and care.

The Western Australian AEDC school and early childhood education and care engagement kit is a package of resources to assist the school and early childhood education and care sectors to engage with and build a deeper understanding of the AEDC.

These resources link with the National Quality Standard, Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, and how the AEDC can be used for evidenced-based and evidence-informed planning within local community contexts. Electronic versions of the Engagement kit resources can be found below.

The resources include domain guides, links to key frameworks, other printable resources, and video examples of how schools and early childhood education and care centres have used the data. 

The Department has developed the resources by working closely with the Telethon Kids Institute, the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia, Catholic Education Western Australia, the New South Wales Department of Education and the South Australian Department for Education and Child Development.

An AEDC online professional learning (OPL) course has also been developed and complements the resources. The course includes four 15 minute online learning modules which can be logged into by government and non-government schools, as well as early childhood education and care centres.

+AEDC OPL access - government schools

AEDC online professional learning (OPL) includes four 15 minute online learning modules which can be accessed by government schools on Ikon.

  1. Log in to Ikon using your staff number and single sign on password.
  2. Click on the 'Professional Learning' tab.
  3. The ‘Australian Early Development Census course’ will be displayed in the ‘Course catalog’ panel on the right hand side of the screen.
  4. Click on the Enrol icon next to the course title, then click OK on the notification message.
  5. The course should appear in the middle of the screen under ‘Enrolled courses’. Click on the Play icon to begin or continue the course.
  6. You can stop and resume the course at any time.

On completing the course, print your certificate. You can also return to the course at any time to review the content or reprint the certificate.

+AEDC OPL access – non-government schools and early childhood education and care centres

The AEDC online professional learning1 (OPL) includes 4 15-minute online learning modules which non-government schools and early childhood education and care centres can access online1.

On completing the course, print your certificate, complete the short survey and return to the main menu. You can return to the course at any time to review the content or reprint the certificate.

  1. Register using your email address and a password.
  2. A confirmation link will be sent to your email address. Click on the link and proceed with the modules.
  3. If you do not receive a confirmation email:
    1. Check that you have typed your email address correctly.
    2. Look for the email in your email spam or junk folders.
  4. You can stop and resume the course at any time using the registration details entered in step 1.
  5. If you encounter difficulty viewing the modules, try a different browser – Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended.

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