Apply for a teaching job
Apply for a teaching job
Teach with us across WA! We offer an amazing array of teaching opportunities across our 800 schools.
To check out our teacher salaries, learn about benefits, incentives and allowances and explore WA’s incredible regions, find out what it’s like to live, teach and work in WA1.
If you are unsure about your pathway to teaching, explore your options to teach with us2. Check out our career events3 for free live chats and information sessions. We cover a wide range of topics, including the teacher flying squad, tips for writing your best teaching job application and opportunities in our remote schools.
Find all our teaching vacancies listed in current jobs4.
- Check your employment eligibility
- Apply for pools
- Apply for individual vacancies and school-based pools
Before you apply for a teaching job with us, you will need to:
- hold relevant qualifications and teacher registration5
- be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or have a valid visa with relevant work rights from the Department of Home Affairs6.
Before you start your first day of work with us, you will need a:
Apply for pools
Our current jobs include vacancies at individual schools, as well as job opportunities in various recruitment pools. Our appointment pools make hiring easier for school staff by allowing them to quickly consider and employ qualified and eligible job applicants.
You might like to consider applying for one, or several, of the following pools.
Remote Teaching Service pool
To dive into a rewarding and unique experience, with plenty of opportunities for professional and personal growth, apply for the Remote Teaching Service pool9. If you are a teacher with more than 2 years of experience or a graduate teacher, you can apply to this pool at any time. Read more about our incredible Remote Teaching Service10.
Teacher Flying Squad
Or maybe you’d like to spread your wings with our Teacher Flying Squad11. Our teacher flying squad staff fill vacancies in regional and remote schools at short notice. Appointments are short-term and are generally for between 4 and 10 weeks. As an experienced teacher or as a graduate teacher, you can apply now for the Teacher Flying Squad12.
Fixed-term opportunities
Experienced teachers looking for part-time or full-time fixed-term roles can apply for the Teacher pool for fixed-term opportunities13.
Graduate Teacher Pool
If you are a pre-service teacher in your final year of your teaching degree, or you have graduated and are in your first 2 of teaching, you can apply to the Graduate Teacher Pool14. Find out about other opportunities on offer for graduate teachers15.
Pre-service Teacher Fixed-Term Pool
Pre-service teachers, located in WA, who are enrolled in the final year of a Bachelor of Education or Master of Teaching can apply for the Pre-service Teacher Fixed-Term Pool for 202516. To learn about professional experiences and our short courses, review our information for pre-service teachers17.
Casual employment pools
Casual, or relief employment offers many benefits. As a casual employee, you have the flexibility to choose when and where you want to work. Our relief booking tool, Casual Staff Seeker, allows you to register your availability for relief work, add location preferences and include other information. School staff can then use this information to match you to available relief work opportunities.
To get started on Casual Staff Seeker, you first need to apply to either the:
- Casual Teacher Pool18
- Casual Teacher Pool Pre-Service Teachers19 (you must live in WA and be in your final year of a Bachelor of Education or a Master of Teaching).
Principal appointment pools
We encourage aspiring and experienced school leaders to apply for our principal appointment pools. Opportunities of up to 6 months may be offered. Apply via the job advertisement for the:
Apply for individual vacancies and school-based pools
You can find individual vacancies at schools, as well as opportunities in school-based pools, listed in current jobs4.