Prepare your application

Prepare your application

Follow our quick guide on how to write and prepare job applications for our vacancies.

We advertise our jobs, for all roles and occupations, on JobsWA1. After you’ve checked you are eligible to apply, you’ll need to submit your application online. 

If you’d like to find out more about a particular school before you apply for one of their roles, head to Schools Online2.  


Read the job advert carefully

Each job advertisement is different so it’s important to read the advert carefully to find out how to apply and what information you’ll need to include. For example, you may need to attach a curriculum vitae (CV) or documents about your qualifications. 


Customise your application

Edit your application for each school or workplace, to show that you meet the requirements in the advertisement. Use examples that describe your involvement with any programs and priorities relevant to that school or workplace. 

Research the school or workplace to learn about their programs and initiatives. Think about how your skills and experience might complement their work. In each of your job applications, describe your skills and experience in a way that links to the vision and goals of the workplace. Showing you have taken the time to research will make your application stand out.

If you apply for a teaching job3, you’ll need to show your competency against the 3 domains of teaching as per the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers4.  Consider your teaching practice and choose strong examples to include in your answers to the selection criteria. 


Check your application

Double-check that your application includes all documents asked for in the advertisement.