School psychologist salaries and benefits

School psychologist salaries and benefits

As a school psychologist in public education, you can make a difference in the lives of children and young people, helping them reach their full potential.

Our salaries are among the most generous in Australia, with a starting salary of $90,977 (level 1.1) for psychologists with provisional registration.  You will receive an annual increment until you reach level 1.3 or until you are awarded general registration. We may consider your work experiences and previous qualifications when determining your starting salary. 

If you are a psychologist with general registration, your starting salary is $105,648 (level 2.1), with an annual increment each year to level 2.6.  

You can progress to a higher salary in a lead school psychologist role. Lead school psychologists support the professional practice of school psychologists across our sites. They also have a key role at a region and system level, working with directors of education to provide advice on the most complex situations. 

School psychologists, and lead school psychologists, working in some regional areas may be eligible for additional allowances and benefits, such as the temporary Regional Attraction and Retentive Incentive1.

Refer to the following table for school psychologist levels and salaries. These levels and salaries are as per the School Education Act Employees' (Teacher and Administrators) General Agreement 2023.

School psychologist salaries as of December 2024 by level
School psychologist level Annual salary 
1.1  $90,977
1.2  $95,866
1.3  $100,761
2.1  $105,648
2.2  $110,533
2.3  $118,496
2.4  $123,772
2.5  $128,566
2.6  $133,371
Senior school psychologist (Year 1)  $143,688
Senior school psychologist (Year 2)  $146,769
Lead school psychologist  $158,140

Benefits of working with us as a school psychologist

Some of the benefits you can access include: 

  • Psychology Board of Australia-approved supervision for provisionally registered psychologists completing the 4+2 or 5+1 internship program (or working in addition to placement) 
  • access to our induction program (equivalent to around 25 days of professional learning) 
  • 8 weeks’ vacation leave (aligned with school holidays) 
  • 11.5% employer contributions to superannuation 
  • more than 20 days of other leave, including personal leave 
  • professional leadership and support 
  • career development and the opportunity to move into leadership and roles in specialised settings 
  • part-time work arrangements 
  • the opportunity to work with students of different ages, cultures and backgrounds in locations across WA 
  • a combination of direct work with children and young people, consultation with staff and supporting schools with whole-school change 
  • being part of a large team of psychologists, from early career to experienced practitioners. 

If you haven't worked with us as a school psychologist before, we will provide you with half a day to complete professional learning. This allows you to complete any agreed learning within 6 months of starting work with us. This is for fixed-term and permanent school psychologists.

Working in regional locations

Our school psychologists have described working in regional areas as the highlight of their careers. They talk about the rewarding lifestyle, enhanced professional experiences and the opportunity to contribute to the wider community. 

School psychologists in regional areas usually work in teams, based in the more populated towns. They provide a visiting service to schools in the region. Some of the professional and personal benefits of working in regional area include: 

  • the chance to be part of your local community 
  • an opportunity to work with culturally diverse populations 
  • free relocation intrastate and interstate 
  • subsidised accommodation, subject to availability 
  • relocation cost refunds and allowances (for example, to subsidise the cost of transporting your pet and to help with the cost of connecting essential services). 

Some regional locations also offer: 

  • locality and additional allowances on top of your salary, as high as $20,000 
  • free housing 
  • an air conditioning subsidy 
  • annual travel concessions to Perth (or equivalent) – check out our information on housing and transport assistance2.

Apply for a school psychologist role

Apply for a school psychologist role

If you are a new graduate or an experienced psychologist, find out how to apply for a school psychologist role in our schools!

Apply for a role