Teacher salaries

Teacher salaries

Our teaching salaries are among the highest in Australia.

Your starting salary is $85,610 (level 2.1) if you’re a qualified teacher1.

Provided you teach to a satisfactory standard, you receive an annual increment each year until you reach level 2.9.

We will take your work experience and qualifications into account to determine your starting salary. Find out about applying for a higher salary, based on your prior teaching experience or as a 5-year trained teacher2.

Teachers who work in rural, regional and remote locations may receive extra benefits. To find out what incentives and allowances apply to each of our schools, use our rural, regional and remote benefits calculator3.

Teacher salaries by level as of December 2024
Level Salary as of December 2024
2.1 $85,610
2.2 $92,842
2.3 $100,551
2.4 $104,053
2.5 $107,694
2.6 $111,476
2.7 $115,406
2.8 $119,554
2.9 $124,016
Senior teacher 1 $128,697
Senior teacher 2 $130,257
Level 3.1 classroom teacher $133,560
Level 3.2 classroom teacher $137,428
Level 3.3 classroom teacher $142,793