Teaching jobs in high demand

Teaching jobs in high demand

Some areas of teaching, including specialist areas and secondary schooling, are in high demand.

Consider becoming a teacher in a high-demand or specialist area and you could benefit from a range of career-enhancing opportunities.  

We are always looking for:

  • secondary school teachers 
  • science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subject teachers  
  • language teachers
  • teachers for our regional and remote communities. 

Check out all of our work opportunities on our current jobs page1

+Secondary school teachers

We have opportunities for teachers looking to gain further qualifications, or who are already experienced, in teaching secondary specialist areas including: 

  • design and technology 
  • education support 
  • English 
  • humanities and social science 
  • Indonesian 
  • mathematics. 

To find out about training opportunities, refer to our Leap program2.  

+STEM subject teachers

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning gives our students the skills they need to be adaptable in a dynamic and evolving global landscape.  

We are looking for STEM teachers in the following specialist areas: 

  • Science 
    • biology 
    • chemistry 
    • physics 
    • agriculture 
  • Technology 
    • design and technology 
    • home economics 
    • engineering 
    • robotics 
    • ICT 
  • Mathematics 
    • general 
    • specialist 
    • methods. 
+Language teachers

There are many opportunities for specialist language teachers to deliver programs in primary and secondary schools.  

Some key languages have been identified by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority as part of the Western Australian Curriculum: Languages. These include: 

  • Chinese 
  • French 
  • German 
  • Indonesian 
  • Italian 
  • Japanese. 

If you are a community language speaker or a university student studying foreign languages (at an intermediate to advanced standard) and you are interested in teaching at a public school, express your interest3

Aboriginal language teachers 

There are opportunities available for Aboriginal language teachers as there is an increasing number of schools introducing a local language program. Often these languages are taught by Aboriginal people from the local community who have been trained to teach Aboriginal languages. 

For information on guiding principles and protocols for language development and teaching, refer to the Aboriginal Language and Torres Strait Islander Languages Framework4

Our Aboriginal staff members can apply for training to teach an Aboriginal language. We provide information on how to apply on our staff intranet, Ikon.

+Teachers in regional and remote schools

Our regional and remote communities need dedicated and passionate educators in both primary and secondary teaching. These schools are located all over WA in large regional centres, small agricultural towns and in remote communities.

Teachers in our regional or remote schools may be eligible for additional support such as free or subsidised employee housing and transport assistance. You can find information about housing and transport assistance and explore what it's like to teach and work in regional WA5

We fill short-term vacancies in our regional and remote schools at short notice, using our amazing Teacher Flying Squad6.