Return to teaching
Return to teaching
Calling all qualified teachers looking to help shape the futures of students in Western Australian schools. Join us and help to make a difference.
With more than 800 public schools, our state offers diverse teaching roles with great professional and personal opportunities. We currently have opportunities in all 8 of our education regions to suit teachers with a range of experiences and learning area qualifications.
Apply for a job with us
We fill teaching vacancies in different ways, depending on the school location and the length of the position. We recruit teachers throughout the year.
To apply for a position as a teacher with us, you must:
- hold a recognised tertiary teaching qualification1
- be registered, or eligible for registration, with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia2
- be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or have a valid visa with relevant work rights from the Department of Home Affairs3.
Before you can start your first day of work with us, you need a:
- Department of Education Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check4 that is less than 12 months old at the time you start work with us
- current Working with Children (WWC) Check5 card (or a receipt that shows you’ve applied for a WWC card)
Check out our current jobs6, where you can find vacancies for:
- casual teaching
- fixed-term opportunities
- teaching positions at individual schools
- school-based recruitment pools.
Teacher salaries
We offer competitive salaries for our teachers, starting at $85,610. As a returning teacher, you'll recommence on the teacher salary scale you were on when you left teaching.
Learn more about teacher salaries in WA7.
Apply for recognition for teachers
Once you're employed with us, you can apply for a higher salary based on prior teaching experience or as a 5-year trained teacher. Check out how you can apply for recognition of experience and qualifications8.
Consider regional and remote opportunities
Many of our teachers have described working in a regional or remote school as the highlight of their career. Additional benefits are available for teaching and working in regional and remote WA9.
To apply for a position at one of more than 300 schools in regional areas, nominate the school in your central pool application and apply directly to individual school vacancies and school-based pools.
Explore teaching in one of our 37 remote locations by applying to our Remote Teaching Service pool10. You can also apply directly to individual school vacancies and school-based pools.
Or perhaps you'd like to support our regional and remote schools at short notice, for a short term, as a part of our Teacher Flying Squad11.
Search for these incredible opportunities, advertised as part of our current jobs6. Check out the benefits, incentives and allowances12 we can offer you as a returning teacher or explore WA13 to learn about each of our unique regions.
Access benefits and support
Career events
Check out our upcoming online and in-person career events14. Our events cover a range of topics including tips on application writing, living and teaching in WA and our Remote Teaching Service.
Take up a development opportunity
You might want to join our Entry and Orientation Program, a 2-day program to support our qualified teachers returning after long leave, interstate or overseas positions. This program will bring you up to speed with the current teaching practices in WA public schools. The program will next be held on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 April 2025. Find details about program times, location and how to register in career events14.
Leap program
We provide teachers with the opportunity to gain further qualifications to teach in additional specialist areas or move into a new area of teaching. Find out how to get involved with our Leap program15.
Other benefits and support
We offer our teachers a range of benefits and support including:
- great work hours and lifestyle balance
- opportunities to work with students of different ages and backgrounds across teaching areas in various locations
- competitive teacher salaries7 and financial incentives, with additional incentives and allowances16 for teaching in regional and remote areas
- opportunities to establish lifelong personal and professional relationships
- ongoing professional development and career advancement opportunities
- exciting career paths through promotion to school leadership positions, such as principals and deputy principals and by achieving recognition as outstanding classroom practitioners, such as level 3 classroom teachers
- a generous leave package that includes 12 weeks of paid time off during the school holidays
- flexible opportunities and career mobility in public schools.
If you have questions about returning to teaching, get in touch with us by phone at 9264 441217 (local) or 08 9264 441218 (from states outside of WA) or email at