Complaints and concerns
Complaints and concerns
Our schools are committed to providing quality education to all students in a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment. We value working together with parents and families as critical partners in student learning outcomes.
Effective communication is the key to building a positive relationship between home and school, and plays an important part in the education of your child. You should feel confident that we will listen and respond to your concerns, and effectively manage and resolve complaints.
Issues may arise during your child’s schooling and these are more productively resolved if you raise them with the school directly, as early as possible. If you are not sure who to speak to, you can start with your child’s teacher. For some matters, it may be appropriate to talk directly to the school principal or the residential college manager. If you have approached your child’s school but haven’t been able to resolve the issue, we can work with you to address concerns in a prompt, visible and fair process, where all parties are heard and respected.
You can make a complaint
Speak to your school | Call the complaints advice line on 1800 655 9851 | Send an email or letter to your school2 or education regional office3 | Make a complaint using our online form4 |
Making a complaint can be overwhelming for some people. Support is available to:
- parents and families living in regional or remote areas
- people with disability
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Contact the school2, education regional office3 or phone the complaints advice line on 1800 655 9855 if you need support with the complaint process.
Understanding the complaints process6 will help you decide how to make a complaint, the supports available to you, and how we handle a complaint.
Let's talk about your concerns7
Contact your school as soon as you have concerns. Talking to your child’s teacher, year coordinator, school administration or principal is the best place to start.
Make a complaint - form8
You can use this form to help you write a complaint. Give this to your school or education regional office in person, by email or by mail.
Complaints handling framework9
Communication between you and your school is an important part of your child’s education. You should feel confident that we will listen and respond to your concerns, and work with you to resolve complaints.
Understand the complaints process10
We can work with you to address concerns in a prompt, visible and fair process, where all parties are heard and respected.
Connect and respect - Expectations11
Understand the shared and respectful expectations that will help us to work together in the best interests of our children.
Connect and respect - Engagement12
Understand what respectful engagement looks and how you can demonstrate this.
Make a complaint
Make a complaint
The online complaint form is an easy way to make a complaint, and will guide you through the information required.