Career conversations
Career conversations
The world of work is changing, and this is an exciting time for young people with many opportunities to explore.
We have become more connected through technology and automation. This has altered how and where we work. Information can be shared instantly, and in many industries, physical location is no longer relevant.
In the past, building a successful career required young people to learn core technical skills for a specific occupation, and gradually broaden this skillset and experience over time. The increasing use of technology in the workplace, and the way we use it to communicate and connect with people across the world, is changing how we work.
You are the greatest influence on your child’s career-related decisions. Together with school staff, we are preparing young people for these opportunities and challenges. We encourage you to start having conversations with your child about career decisions early on. Finding the right career requires a level of self-awareness and a lot of career exploration.
Work capabilities such as critical thinking, creativity, adaptability, integrity and cultural responsiveness are needed for lifelong learning. Young people need help to explore their options and should be encouraged to challenge themselves. We want them to aim high, think big and be supported to look beyond what they know.
By helping young people build their understanding of the world of work, they will develop the career management skills they need to successfully transition to university, training or employment, as well as throughout their working lives.
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Career conversation events
Career conversation events
Talk to your child about their pathways and opportunities.
Information sheets
Information sheets
Apprenticeships and traineeships1
Apprenticeships and traineeships are learning pathways that combine paid on-the-job training and formal study with a Registered Training Organisation.
Career pathway information for people with disabilities2
Career pathway information for parents and carers of people with disabilities.
Making choices for Years 11 and 123
There is a wide range of options for students in Years 11 and 12 that provide multiple pathways to university, training and employment.
Pathways to University4
Senior school students can choose from a wide range of pathways to university, training and employment. Pathways can be selected to meet students’ interests, skills, needs and aspirations.
Starting a conversation5
Information for parents and carers to help you start a career conversation.
The need for young people to engage with the world of work6
Engaging with the world of work helps young people understand the relevance of what they are learning at school, broadens their horizons, raises their aspirations, and highlights the range of jobs and career pathways open to them.
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)7
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) is a senior certificate recognised nationally in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Unique Student Identifier8
The Australian Government requires everyone undertaking nationally-recognised training qualifications to have a unique student identifier (USI).
Vocational Education and Training9
This document explains what vocational education and training (VET) is and what the pathway options to employment are.