Resources for families
Resources for families
One of the most important things you can do for children is encourage a love of learning.
The more children learn, the happier and more confident they are, and the more positive their experience when they start school – so get involved as much as you can.
There are lots of exciting things you can do at home, or when you are out, to help make learning enjoyable for every member of the family!
Fun and educational programs and events can be accessed throughout the year, that are great options for a family outing. Check out places such as Scitech1, the WA Museum2, Perth Zoo3 and Kings Park4.
Local recreation centres also have a range of programs and activities for children of all ages.
You can access a range of programs for your child at your local public library and The State Library of Western Australia5. These programs encourage a love of reading in children of all ages. Libraries often conduct other activities for the local community too.
Check out the following resources, full of activities you and your children can do together and fit into your daily routine.
Booklets and factsheets
Booklets and factsheets
Hello Pre-primary7
What to expect when your child starts Pre-primary, the first year of compulsory schooling.
Learning at home for 0 to 4 year olds8
Activities and fun ideas to help your children learn at home. For parents/carers of children 0 to 4 years.
Say hello to school9
"Say hello to school" is a reading book for Aboriginal families on what to expect when your child starts school. It is provided in A4 size for easy printing.